When I Was a Child in Ferrol, Spain (1953-65)

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MESSAGE 1. NEWS. I have uploaded poem #10 to "Translation from Galician to English of more poems from Cantares Gallegos." Poem #10 is entitled, "Castilians of Castile" (Castellanos de Castilla).
MESSAGE 2. REMINDER. You can access "Translation from Galician to English of more poems from Cantares Gallegos" via homepage Chapter 21.
MESSAGE 1. NEWS. I have uploaded poem #9 to "Translation from Galician to English of more poems from Cantares Gallegos." Poem #9 is entitled, "What's With the Boy?" (¿Que ten o mozo?).
MESSAGE 2. REMINDER. You can access "Translation from Galician to English of more poems from Cantares Gallegos" via homepage Chapter 21.
MESSAGE 1. NEWS. I have uploaded poem #8 to "Translation from Galician to English of more poems from Cantares Gallegos." Poem #8 is entitled, "Lass, You the Most Beautiful" (Meniña, ti a máis hermosa).
MESSAGE 2. REMINDER. You can access "Translation from Galician to English of more poems from Cantares Gallegos" via homepage Chapter 21.
MESSAGE 1. NEWS. I have uploaded poem #7 to "Translation from Galician to English of more poems from Cantares Gallegos." Poem #7 is entitled, "A Galician Story" (A Roberto Robert redactore da Discusion). It is 312 lines long.

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Last updated 22 hours ago
CreatedJul 2, 2015
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history spain galicia