toxic slime

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toxic slime was updated.
3 years ago
toxic slime was updated.
3 years ago
holy Shet I just remembered KMFDM
toxic slime was updated.
3 years ago
do you guys have a neighborhood for personal sites that have a variety of themes
goblin-heart 3 years ago

I would also be interested in the creation of a neighborhood that is strictly 'personal/blog' sites.

purplehello98 3 years ago

the closest i've seen is south beach

neo-neighborhoods 3 years ago

SouthBeach and Heartland are both catch-all neighborhoods...

1 like
neo-neighborhoods 3 years ago

Don't be put off by the old GeoCities heartland description... It ended up being one of the most populous of the neighborhoods filled with personal homepages on a variety of all things. Like a small town you can find just all kinds of things in Heartland! Also the neighborhood descriptions are more just guidelines no one is going to enforce them. /You/ decide where you want your page listed.

toxic slime was updated.
3 years ago
toxic slime was updated.
3 years ago
toxic slime was updated.
3 years ago
toxic slime was updated.
3 years ago
oh my gosh i love your site

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedJun 19, 2020
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cyberpunk personalwebsite blog internetculture nostalgia