starlit seas. a blue horizon info site by naila moonsi.

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Due to attempting a traditonal book publishing path prior I was using a "temporary name" Another Sky for my original verse (i.e. story full of OCs), but I'm no longer held down by the constraints of that path! I changed everything on the site to utilize the series' actual name, Blue Horizon, and have parked a Webtoon and Tapas page for the eventual webcomic. ^_^
starlitseas 2 months ago

The novels will take longer, as in part I'm waiting for the cover (which I commissioned someone for as I don't want the nerves of drawing my own cover right now), and I want to continue editing them for some time in any case. I'll have more news on all this eventually.

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedApr 28, 2021
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webcomics art literature sff writing