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For some reason, Spotify playlists and recommendations are really confusing for me. Maybe because the homepage never has what I'm actually looking for (It's so ridiculously long, too!), making me to listen to my music on YouTube instead, making my Spotify recommendations worse, making me to go to YouTube again, and... you get the point. Probably. I have no idea what I'm talking about.
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enflicted 1 year ago

How long have you been using spotify? Because my spotify always shows me relevant music to what I've previously listened to. But i've had it for years, and I use it almost daily.

stardustspirit 1 year ago

I've been using it on and off throughout the years. I only started using it as my main music streaming service about a year and a half ago. I honestly don't know why Spotify feels weird to use. Maybe I need to reorganize my playlists?

enflicted 1 year ago

It took me some time to get used to the playlists, what I did was created an empty playlist, then started looking for music, each song has a 3dot hamburger menu which lets you add the song to playlists, if that makes any sense lol

stardustspirit 1 year ago

Yeah I have a few playlists already for certain moods (why not lol). I was thinking that I needed to make more and that the existing ones overlapped too much.

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Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedFeb 15, 2021
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