Spacedorky's Space

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Happy Halloween everyone! I'm tired and staying indoors most likely but I hope you all have a really fun night tonight. -u-
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So. Close call happened. I almost lost everything bc the laptop I had for years has officially died. I got lucky though, because a majority of my stuff was on an external drive and was also in the middle of building a better pc so I'm on THAT now through more miraculous circumstances(thanks to my siblings hfdu)... so I'm just now trying to catch myself up currently and figuring out what I need to replace/recover OTL
spacedorky 1 year ago

1. Most of my files except the project files to my music are either on my drive or easily replacible ...which sucks bc I did have a lot of files that I was working on there. Might be able to retrieve it from the deadtop at some point but I'm gonna hold on that for a moment and just focus on the stuff to fix atm... which is a lot because I also lost my brushes and my settings for clipstudio

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Updated the Site Finally!! Will check if things are broken later...! But I'm happy to finally start updating things again! :D
Ok so things should now be NOT broken-
Happy New Years!!!

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedMar 13, 2021
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