REALLY?? i got the picture from the internet cause the pictures i took from mine came a bit weird, but i have that exact one too!!
I continued watching Adventure Time because of your shrine!!! Almost finished Season 6 now!
YIPPEEEE!!! i'm really happy to hear that :·) hope you enjoy your watch! you're about to enter the lore heavy part hehe... that reminds me, i started the owl house recently. two chapters in, enjoying it so far!! :·3
Nice! The Owl House, Gravity falls and adventure time are my top 3 series!! But my favorite is Gravity Falls :p (who would've guessed)
Your drawings look so good! I love how expressive and lively everyone looks. Your drawing of Susato is my favorite. :)
aaaa thanks a lot!! i did that one on class with a pilot pen because i love pilot pens with my life :·)
hi name twin !! i'm so excited to see your website grow - it's so cool already !! :D
thank youuuu!! added your button :·]