omg thank you so much!! love your site design, the early 2000s nostalgia is REAL. hope you have a lovely day when you see this (and sorry it took me so long to reply, i work long hours lol)
awww hi! thanks so much, i'm glad you like my site too ^_^ take care and don't worry about late replies lol. Added your button!
wow thank you!!! Means a lot, i liked your site a lot too :D will be adding your button as well!
lmao i speak german but its funny that this is how i find out pechvogel is also a dutch term
oh my, thank you soso much!!! i also love yours SO MUCH WAHHG!! everything goes so well together and it feels like those tabs youd get on an earlier windows pc in the best way!!!! >w<
Really sorry to hear that you lost contact, glad that you are doing better. Its really admirable that you can look at it in a positive way, that's really mature (in a good way :D )!!
thank you so much dude. i'm as positive as one can be but i'm glad it's paying off :·) i hope life is treating you well!
You do? Wow, that's cool! Didn't know I was so popular lol. Love the moomins below ur site<3
hehe, thanks! the moomins guard my web :·) thanks for the follow, adding your button!
Tyy! Had time so I went through ur website and I totally love how u draw 🩷 it's so colorful and lively!
Thank you! that means a lot ^___^