Rosie Rucksack

1,718 updates
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Thinking of putting together a complete collection of available silent films from one of cinema’s pioneering female directors, would anyone be interested in that?
mental-labour 2 years ago

that sounds cool

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ita 2 years ago

yes !!

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gnomes 2 years ago

that sounds very interesting!

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rosie-rucksack 2 years ago

Thank you all for the interest, I’d better get on with it ;)

Gosh, I love your site. So pleasing to look at and such a great range of information, I really enjoy seeing people talk about the UK- and your gnome collection is brilliant! You’re so lucky to have the Lambton Worm, my home county’s prevailing mythological creature is a slightly larger than average ram.
gnomes 2 years ago

thank you so much, i'm so glad people are enjoying the mythology/nature side of my site too!! i absolutely adore the design of yours, it's so warm and cosy and very inspirational! huge appreciation as well for the credits page where you list your learning/asset resources, i'll definitely be consulting that a lot haha. i hope you're having a lovely evening :-D (also rams are so cool, i'd love to learn more about that)

linked to your site!
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rosie-rucksack 2 years ago

Thank you!! ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶

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valycenegative 2 years ago

Ooof. Okay, that girl at the Halloween party was just asking to make people uncomfortable. XD I feel sexuality and identity can be so complex and personal that we averagely spend more time not knowing what we are and exploring ourselves than not. The best solution when you want to ask about something so personal is to not assume, but just listen.

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valycenegative 2 years ago

I'd need to update my link sections with your banner too! .o.

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arlita 2 years ago

wow! just read your latest entry. i cant believe someone would do ask that of you in front of a whole group of people, esp when you were already nervous just being there. i wonder if she thinks back on that time and cringes at her actions. & i 100% agree with your closing sentiments <3

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rosie-rucksack 2 years ago

Thank you <3<3<3<3 I’d like to think we’ve all become a bit more mature or at the very least tactful since we were 16.

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CreatedMay 18, 2022
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