Toca do Rio McCloud

2,803 updates
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[2024/01/31] EN: Added a new page called "Artists, PLEASE: do not post your art only on Twitter/X!" (Texts, Sociological rants).
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[31/01/2024] PT-BR: Adicionei uma nova página chamada "Artists, PLEASE: do not post your art only on Twitter/X!" (Texts, Sociological rants).
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Gostei muito do estilo do seu site, continue assim! Adoraria puxar papo contigo :3
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bernachacities 4 months ago

valeu! e desculpa pela demora por responder :>

Your website design is AWESOME! I loved it so much! Great art too, keep it up! <3
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voltbun 1 year ago

thank u!!!! I'm planning to give it a new fresh look but glad to hear u liked the current stuff! :3

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[2024/01/23] EN: Added a new drawing on the new "Gallery of Year 2024" page (Multimedia, Artwork) and removed the legacy website edition link from the splash page (shelving this idea for now).
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[23/01/2024] PT-BR: Adicionei um novo desenho na nova página "Gallery of Year 2024" (Multimedia, Artwork) e removi o link para a edição legada do website da página splash (engavetando essa ideia por agora).
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[2024/01/21] EN: I changed all images' file format from AVIF to WEBP; updated the "Ultimate guide to Android optimization" (Texts, Android tutorials), "My computers" and "My gadgets" pages (Texts, Tech miscellaneous) and; fixed some bugs in multiple pages.
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Website Stats

Last updated 7 hours ago
CreatedJan 26, 2023
Site Traffic Stats


art linux technology furry retro