Toca do Rio McCloud

2,803 updates
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[2024/02/29] EN: Removed the splash page (there wasn't much reason for it to exist, in fact, but I did a backup if I need it in the future), updated the "My favorite personal websites" page (Texts, Tech miscellaneous), adding the's website button and made a small fix on the two 88x31 buttons on the footer for the mobile view.
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[29/02/2024] PT-BR: Removi a splash page (não havia muito motivo para mantê-la, mas fiz um backup para caso precise no futuro); atualizei a página "My favorite personal websites" (Texts, Tech miscellaneous), adicionando o botão do website de e fiz uma pequena correção nos dois botões 88x31 do rodapé na visualização para dispositivos móveis.
Your artwork is incredible! Loved it so much, keep it up!
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reaganlodge 1 year ago

hey thank you so much!

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[2024/02/28] EN: The changes are so extensive that they don't fit on Neocities, check them on the homepage. For some reason the Neocities thumbnail is incorrect, I need to check how I'll fix it...
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[28/02/2024] PT-BR: As mudanças são tão extensas que não cabem aqui no Neocities, cheque-as na página inicial do meu website. Por algum motivo a miniatura do Neocities bugou, preciso ver como arrumar...
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I noticed that the link that leads to my website in Silicon Valley is broken (hhttps instead of https), could you fix it? Thanks! <3
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Muito charmosinho seu website, gostei! <3
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[2024/02/18] EN: A bunch of changes: added a new page called "Fix expired certificate errors on legacy Android versions" (Texts, Android tutorials); added new items on my To-do list; improved color contrast settings on my CSS file; updated the pages "My personal Windows 8.1 setup guide" (Texts, Windows tutorials), "Collection of links" and "My gadgets" (Texts, Tech miscellaneous).
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Website Stats

Last updated 7 hours ago
CreatedJan 26, 2023
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art linux technology furry retro