The Video Game Obscura

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p7uen 1 year ago

Surprised I've never heard of this as it looks like a pretty high budget game, thanks for another great review!

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p7uen 1 year ago

Now that is obscure, I can't say this is one I'm going to go and hunt down right now though. Great writeup!

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Hey folks, the latest entry to the Video Game Obscura just dropped! I wrote up my review and discussion about the open world first-person shooter, Immercenary for the 3DO. I hope y'all enjoy!
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p7uen 1 year ago

This sounds great, seems it was way ahead of its time. It reminds me of a crazy BBC tv show called Cyberzone from the 90s I watched as a kid, I think I would have loved Immercenary back then!

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p7uen 1 year ago

Wow haha, the story sounds absolutely amazing, completely bonkers, and I definitely do not want to play it!

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Look forward to your first game post!
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vgobscura 1 year ago

I really appreciate it! It should be up this weekend! Have to lay down just a tiny bit more of a foundation and explanation of my odd brain! Also... I LOOOOVE YOUR BLOG! I run a podcast on books based off of video games that is currently on hiatus that has a boddy horror audio drama infused into it as well so I am definitely following you now!

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJul 3, 2023
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