i have written one (1) character piece. feel free to read all about isshin kurosaki from bleach
i started with the first one on the grid bc he was on the mind. not sure if i'll continue to go in order or jump around but just stay tuned :)
more pictures!! i'm healthy again so i'm hoping to finish these first few sections and link the page tomorrow :]
ok now i'm actually trying to get this page running :) if it gets done i'll link it to the main site and announce it but i'm still sick so bear with me here
storytime page wip!! enjoy music and a basic descripton along with a shiny new color and background :]
i will link this page to the rest of the site once it reaches a semi-functional state (actually having shit in it) but i'm sick rn so this is all i'm doing tonight lol
new blog post, added an "up next" box to the music page and edited the current loop, and re-organized the "upcoming posts" box on the gaming page so it makes more sense to sane people lol enjoy :)!
stay tuned for a new main page on this site, dedicated to "stories" :] see more details in the latest blog post
and btw i wrote all these updates with stanley cradled across my arms and lap. you wish you were me, i know. my elbows are sore lol
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! i've posted my annual art for your viewing pleasure :)