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orion-my-rion 1 year ago

reorganized the gameing posts. now links that lead to franchises with multiple games have sub-blocks underneath them to ease readability :) so now, instead of a huge wall of text under main heading "fossil fighters," there is a box for "fossil fighters," another for "fossil fighters: champions," and another for "fossil fighters: frontier."

orion-my-rion 1 year ago

there are also other instances where i made a new box, such as the list of my favorite vivosaurs, but it does not have a sub-heading like the others do. all of these boxes exist underneath the main, red-heading box, and they do not have their own nav links

orion-my-rion 1 year ago

got rid of the weird borders on youtube videos. as celebration, you can now listen to "big panty woman" on my blog

made a post for pokemon legends arceus! also an update on zero escape: virtues last reward :)
orion-my-rion 1 year ago

and now, a new music post about "THE GARDEN" :)

i added a likes and dislikes section for stanley which suddenly made it so i can't change anything no matter how much i edit the html, refresh the pages, or clear my cache. help
orion-my-rion 1 year ago

if the likes & dislikes box starts saying "if you're reading this..." please let me know xoxo neocities wants me died

orion-my-rion 1 year ago

neocities is feeling Slow today it seems but it did update

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orion-my-rion 1 year ago

my friends drew some stanleys on stream. see them in the new "art" section :)

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedMay 22, 2022
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