If she's training to be a nurse, she should feel blessed you're the type of patient she has to deal with. Then again, It's not uncommon to run into self-absorbed types who'll half-ass any work they're given so long as they know they aren't being watched/won't be reprimanded for it. I'd say about 65% of the nursing staff I've dealt with are like this.
I have changed my mind. Today my mother and I are going to talk to her, I hope she’ll change her manner, otherwise I’ll have to ask her to leave. Probably she's stressed out with two jobs and college but this isn't justification.
You're welcome! I liked the colors of your site. Thank you very much, and I wish the same to you, doubly.
Isn't that type of medicine prohibitively expensive? Glad to know there is some measure of progress with the nurse. I'm trying to understand what you mean by piling requests one on top of the other, but I'm guessing you make one request in a tone that seems to imply that's the one and only thing you're requesting, only to add something more halfway through. Still, work is work and she's on the clock.
Maybe I used the wrong sentence in english. I meant to say that I request many things at the same time let to her decide what to do first. Yep, it's expensive. The government will pay 3 billion of brl.