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drawcia 2 years ago

I'm glad (?) someone else has AVPD, I don't think I have seen anyone talk about it. I have been struggling with since since I was ~12, I only have a single friend too, and keep cutting ties with the few online ones I had (just yesterday I impulsively deleted the only social media acc i had to not reply to a friend...). I'm even scared of doing things in my own house, that's why I stoped having hobies

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drawcia 2 years ago

I can't offer advice on socialising since I'm the same as you, but as life goes on it forces you to do stuff. Because my college I have been some years having to, go outside, shopping…I still have meltdowns while/before doing some, but I’m slowly getting used to them (being able to write this is proof of that), so even if the process is slow and painful, it does get better 💪

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CreatedAug 31, 2020
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