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YO, JOPPIE !!! This prolly isn't what you're after from Owlman. Don't wanna "steal his thunder" or anything like that. I suck at 'ms-paint'. I use combinations. I don't have photoshop, but can make any sort of changes to this image you'd like... even animated if possible.
joppiesaus 6 years ago

Thanks a lot, Big Brother Ken-bo! I love it! :)

kenny46140 6 years ago

Joppie, man... you REALLY nailed it. YES, that is actually "who I am"; Big Brother Ken-Bo. All my life, dude and ALWAYS will be. No, not the "Orwell" meaning... but, you follow! Ya got me, man!

kenny46140 6 years ago

Same-same, Hoss. You got me pegged. I'll ALWAYS be that "Cool Big Bro Ken-Bo" no matter what. All my fam and friends know that. I actually am simply a "go-to" reliable/dependable guy for whoever needs me. I live that way because it's easy for me. It's best to live simply, but not be a simpleton. If ya complicate yourself, then that's what yer gonna get, right?

Dammit Owlman, Yer too much "All-Over-The-Board" right now for this old guy. I thought you were doing a "Virtual Party". Then, you put yourself into another MS-Paint sitch (which is hard i'm sure). THEN ya do this "fdad" thang. Geesh! Well, I made 1 (to assist) for Joppie ta maybe help out. You DO have a better command of mspaint than I, but I don't have photoshop.
owlman 6 years ago

I think I didn't say this publicly, but for 108 followers I'm doing a whole bunch of things like MS Paint, the virtual part, plus more. The FDad thing was just older work I did over a year, so it didn't take me that long to put online.

owlman 6 years ago

Also nice drawing

kenny46140 6 years ago

Thanks, man... but it's simple to me compared to your mspaint 'feel'. I can't do that. Talk to me, Get ta know me if ya want. I've got tales to tell. You write me ANY time you want, yeah? And (again), You honestly DO Rock !!! :)

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Be back later, got stuff to do. Cool-cool.

Alright, I've had it: the weather, comps & moniters failing, Jeep's brake-line broke, my fav 'big-fat-old-heavy' TV just broke, people I'm close with goin' nuts and asking me help about their probs. E-nough. I'm "Taking A Day For ME". Ya get way too much thrown at ya and ya wanna help everybody else, and forget that stupid old phrase (which I hate); "Look out for number one". Gotta do my fixes first. Gimmie a sec.
kenny46140 6 years ago

Thanks, "Cavy" and "Hoss" for the 'likes'. You follow. Very cool. Same-same, yeah? :)

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Having less time for internet lately. Just too many other priorities and garbage. It "does" always happen in "threes". Why? Ack...

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Got alotta stuff to get done. Be back... "whenever". Best wishes and Peace to you ALL cool folks! :)

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Surprisingly, "Kinda Nice Out"... for now! Gotta find more project stuff sometime today. All play and no work makes Jack a big Jerk! ;)

Golly gosh no, I'm in Australia! 🏏 Movies etc will be added to my About Me page when I get organised in that direction. Age... *cough* Well, okay, I might be closer to 35 than 30. Ahem.
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kenny46140 6 years ago

Like ya said, you're only as old as ya feel ya are. Well, 'til ya have make that docter visit! They're 'joy-killers', huh? ;) "Golly-Gosh, No"; haven't heard that in awhile 'by jeepers'! Very cool. Looking forward to your updates. If you need a particular or specific image, logo, with font, et al... Just ask. No prob.

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kenny46140 6 years ago

"Jumpin' Jahosifat", now ya got me thinkin' about alotta old exclamations! Cheese, Louise... ya just made my day!!! lmao :)

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kenny46140 6 years ago

This is my only handle on neocities. These are the only pages; index.html, 2017.html, 2018.html, owlman.html, and vehicles.html. Yeah, "boring" I know... but hey, if I sat here adding more my brain would turn to more mush than it is! ;)

kenny46140 6 years ago

Where the heck is Summer ?!? Geesh !!!

probablynot 6 years ago

Where is summer? It's here, on the east coast of Australia. Totally TF refuses to leave. We've had mid-summer-type weather for the best part of six weeks of autumn (aka "fall"). It's supposed to be getting cold but nooooo, it's hot. Please come fetch your summer. We're sick of it.

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Joppie, my follow was/is honest and sincere. Dunno how ya get a strange vibe from it, but I will respect your request. I do understand, but if you change your mind, lemmie know. Maybe I don't understand the "follow" thing here, but I figured you'd be one I follow. Again, "how do you do it"?
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kenny46140 6 years ago

For those of you who don't know Joppiesaus; I personally get the idea he's a very helpful and sincere guy if anybody has questions about neocities (or anything else). Good Guy! :)

kenny46140 6 years ago

I think I might have it figured out. I'll honor your request, dude. No offense taken nor given. If you change your mind, lemmie know. It's all good. Still want me to work on that vehicles.html for ya?

joppiesaus 6 years ago

Hey kenny. Thanks a lot, I appreciate it. I don't know why I get a strange vibe from it. It confuses me, too. You can work on vehicles.html if _you_ want that, you don't have to do it for me. Thanks. I'll let you know when I change my mind.

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Yer gonna like this, funny; I get back on here and about to reply ya and notice "I Put The Wrong Pic On That Page", man! Duh! It's the "number guide" for the "timeline" list, ya follow? Geesh! Yeah, man I'll work on the page. It'd be kinda like talking to a wall 'cause my fam and friends pretty much know about the most of them, catch? That Mustang was a larger of my "project" cars meant only as a flipper. cont...>>>

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kenny46140 6 years ago

The Mustang Grande was not my kind of "real" project keeper car. A TON of "bondo", if you get me and VERY CHEAP paint job (FREE!). But, anyway; about following. Joppie, I honestly chose to follow you like I described. See, the current folks who were kind enough to follow me seem to have occurred just "one after the other" recently. I've not been the willy-nilly follower type for the year+ (you know). cont...>>>

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Made me feel bad that I've not returned the favor or requited them. I just figured "you first" before the others. Now I think about it, maybe they (like you) don't want me to follow either (?). Dunno, man. It's all good, man. I respect your decision and honestly find you a very bright and cool dude! :) Also, my indoor cat looks alot like yours (but not a short-hair tom). :)

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kenny46140 6 years ago

OH !!! AND, check out the NEW pic on the page; It should make more sense now! Duh!<--ME! Ha! Have a great one, man! Get back to me when ya can! Wait, who's that ??? Huh...

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Well, if ya saw that new pic...ya did. It's 'kinda' still there (view source). Will work on it whenever.

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Thank you again! :) Not many people think I'm cool. Quite the novelty.
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kenny46140 6 years ago

Novelty? Why's that? I'm a guy that gives alotta folks the benefit of doubt. You just, come off as "pretty cool" to me for some reason and don't even know ya! Not bein' weird, but that might sound that way. Duh! <---"Me" !!! :)

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Yup, you seem pretty cool to me! :)

kenny46140 6 years ago

Meant to ask; What are your fav tv shows and/or movies past/present? You're state-side right? Also, I believe you're only as old as you feel and you may be closer in age to me than most of the cool "folks" on here... ummm, TAKE 2: (ahem) No, I'm way older. I'm so old I have to look at my license to remind myself. (If I looked in the mirror, I'd puke!) Ha! :)

kenny46140 6 years ago

Oh, If ya read all this goofy page of mine; you "probably" get the idea. Or...(ahem) "probably not". Wow, that was lame... ugh.

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