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Thank you for your kind words :) Glad I can produce something of use to others!
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kenny46140 6 years ago

I feel the same way. Keep up the great work! :)

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kenny46140 6 years ago

OH... and Thanks for the follow! I really should start following folks, but it just sounds weird. Dunno why.

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kenny46140 6 years ago

I really like creating orig. images and graphic design as a hobby. Always have. I do alot for my fam and friends so they can facebook it. They all really dig what I make for them. Could just be advanced 'memes' to personalized stuff (wall-hangers. tattoos, et al). Yup, I too get a kick out of making stuff of use to others. Need an image? Just ask. No prob. :)

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Is this your only handle/page on neocities? I used to do the oldschool geocities, talk-city, et al back in the mid '90's. Yeah, I'm old.

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probablynot 6 years ago

I was on geocities (I think I had two or three sites there), xoom, homestead and a couple of other places. I used to have so much trouble uploading to geo with FTP so I tried a couple of other hosts as well. I think I liked xoom best. It was a great domain name, too!

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probablynot 6 years ago

I do have another site on neo but it's abandoned and I prefer it stays that way. I lost access to the mail account I used at that time, had forgot my password, decided to let it decay gracefully...

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Back! Yupper, I follow ya. Cool-cool. When that "ws.geo(?)" made a comeback awhile ago, I couldn't sign on to the older geo-sites I had. Didn't interest me anyway, but apparently this new "archive" thang saved parts of some. Huh, funny.

kenny46140 6 years ago

Don't get the interest folks have in that archive thang, but it's kinda cool. I fired up my old Win95 tower recently just to find images and found my old html projects which would put my current (and others) to shame. Funny how ya ditch old hobbies over time. When stuff comes back around (like it does), ya feel like; "Geesh... What The Hell !?!". Ha! :) Well, so it's that "Funny Circle", huh? :)

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Hey, it's all good. Just gotta shrug and do what we do, yeah? Aw, baloney! I don't care how old I get. I'll be me for as long as it takes. As little as I know of you, I get the idea you're pretty cool. Sorry for yackin' so long at ya. Not really like that on the net, but eh... Just lookin' forward to Summer 'actually happening'. Dammer, I've had it with this funky weather !!!

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