417 updates
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keltokel 1 year ago

Interactive! Pan around! Hover your mouse over things! Wow! My friend spent two days writing bespoke JS for this!

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keltokel 1 year ago

You would think that "tooltips appearing over defined area on mouseover" would be an easy and common thing you could do, but you would be wrong.

I don't have a very big following here, but I just want to let anyone reading this know that I will be overhauling my affiliates/links section soon.
keltokel 1 year ago

Right now I just have some buttons in a place less obvious than I'd like. I really want to encourage people to click on your sites! If your site is A) about a TTRPG campaign, B) resources for TTRPGs, C) has RPG/writing resources and/or D) a personal site with a section for character/RPG stuff, I want to list you and write a bit about your site.

vencake 1 year ago

Pixel Lamina omg

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keltokel 1 year ago

MelonKing was nice enough to say "yeah, you can go ahead and write custom stuff with the gifypets .js" and I appreciate it! Doesn't work without being launched from the launch page, sadly.

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vencake 1 year ago

Oh nice! And yeah I noticed that when I first tried to interact with her!

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedDec 3, 2021
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fantasy writing ttrpg dnd homebrew