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Ah... a fellow fish anthro enjoyer... < smiling serenely
snewberry 8 months ago

same hat !! < jumps up and down joyfully

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snewberry 8 months ago

me thinks Apkallu and Perla would make good friends C: so fun to run into another anthro fish character !! especially koi inspired

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keltokel 8 months ago

Apkallu is the whole race (derived from the real-world Babylonian oannes myth, basically fish sages), Kasumi is the girl on the front splash image, and I fully agree from looks alone they'd get along. :P There are various other tuna and catfish-like characters too, but I don't draw them anywhere near as often.

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snewberry 8 months ago

@keltokel ARGH sorry i meant Kasumi ! !! both of the names are at the top of the lists so i got confused when looking for her name lol OTL i hope you get to draw some more fishies tho C:

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Finally added new followers to affiliates page (thank you), but please let me know if I missed you because I have not done this for about five months.
homepc 8 months ago

yoooo i like your campaign!!!

keltokel 8 months ago

Thank you very much ^^

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It's taken about 8 months, but I've finally managed to get Kasumiloid to be able to sing and not just speak. Getting to the stage where I can write 100% original songs for this campaign is nuts, it's a dream come true.
keltokel 9 months ago

Basically, I can sing into a microphone with my own voice, use text-to-speech or use a more conventional Vocaloid program and then use RTVC to change that voice into Kasumi's.

keltokel 9 months ago

I'll be debuting an original song at next session (and upload it to Keltokel at a later time). I hope it goes over well. I have a newfound appreciation for musicians after spending a full week producing 3 minutes of audio.

mirrorland 10 months ago

Heyey, I copied your guestbook, well not the same of course hihi

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keltokel 11 months ago

Here it is. The long overdue, short, plain-text summary of the entire setting. Hopefully this makes the whole rest of the site more comprehensible.

capaxinfiniti 11 months ago

the primer is so helpful, thank you!

keltokel 11 months ago

Thank you for the feedback, you're great!

It's going to take a while yet, but the DM and I are working on a "primer" document to make the rest of the site more... comprehensible to outsiders, lol. It's probably moot because nobody's reading this anyway, but I do get the very occasional comment to the effect of "this is extremely dense, can you summarize what this is all about"? So that summary is coming, and I will keep it short.
keltokel 11 months ago

And then maybe, if I have the strength of will, I will try to write a summary of the entire campaign. The campaign text is currently longer than the entirety of Lord of the Rings, so that's an immense order, but when I die I want this to be the thing I leave behind.


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CreatedDec 3, 2021
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ttrpg writing homebrew fantasy dnd