No, not at all, it is the opposite of a situation where an apology would be remotely necessary! This is a great spot in a day that started on hard mode, thank you!
I feel super rude saying this, but I didn’t get the email! o___o I am also at miela583#1459 on discord; I will run tests on that email after work today before implementing it- I apologize for the trouble!
That's hardly a dumbass thing, like you say at the end-- there's thousands of variables to make it through every day, and it's scary to actually notice one! I am glad you are okay.
It's actually crazy when you think about how our species has become reliant on metal death traps to get around now that ya mention it (っ °Д °;)っ
Please take care and take thing at your own pace- you’re more important than your output for sure!
The single player in Phantasy Star Universe sounds really interesting!
The single player is essentially what keeps this game in my list of favorites- I don't know if it's the nostalgia of the whole thing since it can be a bit janky, and the sp doesn't have quite the variety as the online does, AND it doesn't have a satisfying conclusion... BUT!!!! I still love it for the characters alone.╰(*´︶`*)╯