The Era of Antares

68 updates
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So my venting is, at least for now, is about how tiring humans can be.... Do you ever just get tired of the weird things that people do? I live with a bunch of folks who like to pick fights, and no joke, they legit get angry or offended if I don't engage. But I'm punished if I do, punished if I don't. Unfortunately that has largely contributed to me not being able to focus on my page, even a little. Ta-ta for now!
hoylecake 10 months ago

A lot of individuals are just incapable of getting a hold of themselves. I've learned to tolerate insufferable people because I'm around them all the time and I never say a word (selectively mute down to my core). Can't give any reasonable advice on this as I really have the same problem but I do echo your sentiment. Hope things are going well for you.

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era-of-antares 10 months ago

You sound alot like me as far as the selectively mute thing goes, unfortunately in my case that seems to be what draws people to me, oddly. And/or it triggers them. I struggle to shut it out as a result; their goal is to prevent me from doing so? That, sadly, ties into a new problem I'm having.....Sigh. New status on that soon. But np on the advice thing, just hearing me out helps immensely!! Thank you so much. ^-^

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CreatedJan 7, 2023
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