The Era of Antares

59 updates
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This website's first "official" update currently in the works. Although fair warning, it really will not be anything special at all. But it'll finally be a start.
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redretrotriangle 4 months ago

Thats awesome! It will be exciting to see! Also I sent some important messages on earlier threads so when you have the time you should take a look at them!

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era-of-antares 4 months ago

Thank you! ^_^ I'm happy that at least one person is still around, I think alot of the others lost faith in me, even got unfollowed by someone who is still active. To be fair, this website does look abandoned... but also to be fair, I'm not joking when I say 2023 was an awful year for me. Details on that will be included in my update. And np, I'll get back to you soon! Again, thank you so much. ^.^

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redretrotriangle 4 months ago

I will try to be always be around as long as somebody I respect is still active (you). And I'm sorry and I hope things get better for you I didn't really have a good year either. And you welcome thank you for continuing to talk to me! : D

redretrotriangle 4 months ago

OH! And what if we made a comic together to get spirits up! : D Only if you want to though!

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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedJan 7, 2023
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