
249 updates
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does anyone have any fun sites to make surveys, like back in the day? I really want to make some and add them to my site
cybherspace 5 months ago

Just wanted to add I found a pretty good one!!

kickaha 5 months ago

Lu has a textfile with a bunch of old surveys over here:

1 like
cybherspace 5 months ago

thank you I love this!

1 like
cybherspace was updated.
7 months ago
1 like
cybherspace was updated.
7 months ago
cybherspace 7 months ago

looks like I need to upload the CSS and images first - but this is up and working!

kerka 7 months ago

thank you for introducing the retro tv sites to me, they're super cool and i spent some time looking through music videos :D

1 like
I loved the website! I left a (maybe too big) sign on your guestbook! I can't wait for more updates! I'll also add your button to my links page!
1 like
I really like your site! wishing you luck with the rest of the construction :D
pxxels 8 months ago

oh, btw; I added your button to my site, please lmk if you want me to take it down!

your site is so cool! i also agree a lot with your manifesto, social media has potential to be rlly good but corporations kinda ruin it, along with other things. can't wait to see more of your work!
1 like
cybherspace 8 months ago

aw, thank you! i am glad you agree. i have a ton more i plan to add so keep your eyes peeled

cybherspace was updated.
8 months ago
1 like
cybherspace was updated.
8 months ago

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedOct 6, 2023
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