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What happened? Why did you stop following me?
2bit 9 years ago

I think its an issue with the site. I noticed that I don't show up on many people's who I follow. And for some reason I'm not on the front page anymore.

1034co 9 years ago

@journeythroughtamerica That's why you stopped following me? Because of a glitch?

2bit 9 years ago

Neocities automatically made my site unfollow you for some reason. I had to click the follow button twice to get it to work agian.

Thank you for following me.
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Thank you for following me.
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2bit 9 years ago

no prob! I can see that you're a fan of CWC. I'm currently working on an interactive map of CWCville.

1034co 9 years ago

@journeythroughtamerica I'm not necessarily a fan of CWC, I was just inspired by him to make anime and manga.

You can't even win a fight at all.
dragonquest 9 years ago

You need to level up more, I think.

kyledrake 9 years ago

I've beat it a few times, it's just really hard. The current speed run record is 63 hours (Summer Games Done Quick 2015).

Here's why I stopped following you: you weren't following me. But, let me ask you one thing, how did you do PHP in Neocities if other people can't? Neocities in its FAQ said that it doesn't let people do PHP
nagato 9 years ago

A supporter account allows for uploading of any file type. However, I was unaware FAQ existed for Neocities, can you reply with the link to it?

fauux 9 years ago

I don't tho


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CreatedFeb 7, 2015
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