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Updated the spam page and uploaded new funnies. Should be more convenient now. Also there is a random quote below the news section now, let me know if you want any funny answers added to the list.
haha quora now auto generates ai images based on the question you're answering and prompts you to add them to your answer. i've seen a few in answers to my questions
youtuube 3 months ago

I eagerly await seeing how you manage to use this feature. Idk if the "Queen Elizabeth Faked Her Death" one is new or not but holy fuck that has me in stitches haha

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xylox 3 months ago

its pretty lame... i guess they somehow neuter the full prompt. That pic is from awhile ago, I haven't gotten any interesting responses for some time, quora doesn't have moderation anymore either so i think they're either planning to shut down or rebrand as an ai only QnA website

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youtuube 3 months ago

Wild if that's true about Quora, guess that direction makes sense if people are just using AI to karma farm answer responses at this point.

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Do you have an email? I have some reddit trolling screenshots you might appreciate
xylox 11 months ago

Put it on imgur or your site and link here, it will be more convenient that way

youtuube 11 months ago

im not ready to blow my cover tho...

action report: i post on quora every once in a while but so far there nothing interesting to put on here, half the answers are now chat-gpt generated (quora now even prompts you to register on some other app that will generate them for you, so you don't have to wait for hindus to do it).
xylox 1 year ago

though i've been busy with more interesting things so I don't feel like sharting up quora as much. I'm going to redesign the site one last time some time soon though

I've been using ChatGPT to essentially automate trolling on Reddit, I feed it ridiculous prompts and force it to write first person accounts/posts for the site. This strategy may be worth looking into if Quora is a bust these days, I've had a varying degree of success getting responses, just depends on the subreddit.
dc-blog 1 year ago

Wait you can do that? Thats actually pretty smart, if I weren't permabanned on Reddit I would do the same thing.

youtuube 1 year ago

@dc-blog to clarify the "automation" part is using ChatGPT to write the posts, still gotta copy and paste the GPT posts in to reddit. Although I'm sure someone with enough know how could fully automate the entire process

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youtuube 1 year ago

Do VPNs not work for getting passed the permaban?

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genosadness 1 year ago

AI-generated shitposting

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rbuchanan 1 year ago

So many unwashed, overfed incels have spent more time unwittingly conversing with AI than organisms over the course of their posting careers....

xylox 1 year ago

Hindus on quora use chatgpt for replies already, i'm yet to see a funny one. Is it really good?

xylox 1 year ago

Another concern is the structure of the posts themselves, can't they tell that its chatgpt by the way it is written? I'm curious because those answers i mentioned can be spotted from a mile away

youtuube 1 year ago

Haha of course they are, I've noticed a few recurring style/formatting patterns with GPT as well, you may need to make a few changes here and there to the output. Helps if you tell it to write in the style of [x] too. Going in and butchering the grammar/spelling helps throw off those concerns, even when I tell GOT to be grammatically incorrect it seems to refuse to.

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