Wraith Glade: The Intersection of Creativity, Nature, and the Mind

1,002 updates
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That text hover highlight effect you use throughout your site is a great touch and really helps tracking which paragraph one is currently one. That's a smart idea and inspires me to maybe use things like that somewhere on my own site someday. Anyway, I added you to my follows. Have a wonderful day/night!
solaria 6 months ago

Awe thank you! I've been exploring your links today, still have more to go through!

1 like
The rainy cyberpunk theme on your site is well done and the layout is sleek and easy to use. It was interesting exploring your site too. So, I added you to my follow list. Anyway, have a great day/night/etc!
The slow rainbow gradient color effect you use on your site works really well! I would say that your site's design mixes both aesthetic appeal and clean and usable design better most sites! Really nice work! PS: I found you because I saw you liking my posts on Ghostring's page. Anyway, have a great day/night/etc!
ghostsalt 6 months ago

awhhh thanks, you too! :D

Another update: Today I noticed that on mobile browsers (both Firefox and Chrome) the arrows for the previous and next links (I picked compass-rose-like unicode ones) were not displaying, whereas they always displayed on desktop. I changed my links to use the same unicode chars as Ghostring's own site now though. Is that sufficient to fix the problems with my site's links being detected?
Your site is both beautiful and highly legible/clean! I am impressed by the design and art direction of it. As for me, my site has been text-only for the past (more than) 6 months of its existence and tonight was the first night I added any real art to mine. Anyway though, I added you to my follow list and will definitely check out more of your site later! I'm going to bed now though, so goodnight!
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ectobeing 6 months ago

Thank you so much, it means a lot to hear !!! Trying to balance aesthetics and accessiblity across devices is difficult but worth it. I'm more of a visual person anyway, so it became my focus. I need to read more on your site as well, but I really love the graphic on it. Same vibes as 90s CD games ^^

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So, I went ahead and removed the "emsp" (emdash-length spaces) from between the Ghostring main link and the previous/next links. Doing so makes the resulting formatting less visually pleasing, but I'm still guessing that's the most likely source of problems for my links not working. I haven't heard back from you so I just figured I'd go ahead and do it and see if your program will pick up the change.

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Last updated 4 weeks ago
CreatedNov 18, 2023
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