You are going to block this site. This will do the following:
- You will no longer see this site in searches.
- Site will no longer see your site in searches.
- Site will not be able to comment on your site profile.
- Any comments this site has posted to your profile will not be displayed.
Are you sure you want to do this?
right now I just open the HTML files on neocities and hand code (or copy and paste lol) that shit right in hahahah. But also, I know nothing about different script languages. I barely understand HTML and CSS @_@
wait i do still have a copy of Dreamweaver....
This is something I really struggle with too because I want my site to be pretty, but still easy to navigate and easy to update... Which is easier said than done lmao. I recommend checking out the Web Design Museum ( for some aesthetic inspiration! I also recommend maybe making some random little pages in different styles (doesn't necessarily have to be something you upload) to get
- A feel for different site aesthetics and play around without any stress of it looking good. I use my Shrine pages for this lmao.
Also I use Visual Studio Code rather than NeoCities editor. There's a plugin called Live Server that lets you open a local version of your site in a browser so you can see updates in realtime as you edit. As for JavaScript, I basically just copy and paste all my JavaScript stuff from elsewhere :ox. I find it so confusing lmao. Sorry for the yapping!!
No need to appologize! That's really helpful, honestly.
I'm using phantomake because I'm still handcoding but at least now I don't have to manually update every page for small changes. Layouts and contents are seperate until the program sticks them together so I can edit the layout template in one file and the program will update every page that uses it. And I don't need to copy-paste layout stuff into a new page, I can just write the contents. Seems good, so far.