The web site of themausoleum

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the stuff some of yall do with code and website is wild to me. I hope I get anywhere near as good at this as you guys. I think I need to actually sit down and like, essentially sketch out what my desires are for the look of my site. Right now it gets the job done, but its super basic and I'd like to really play with the possibilities. Does anyone have any tools they like to use in their site building?
themausoleum 4 months ago

right now I just open the HTML files on neocities and hand code (or copy and paste lol) that shit right in hahahah. But also, I know nothing about different script languages. I barely understand HTML and CSS @_@

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themausoleum 4 months ago

wait i do still have a copy of Dreamweaver....

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rabbitnet 4 months ago

This is something I really struggle with too because I want my site to be pretty, but still easy to navigate and easy to update... Which is easier said than done lmao. I recommend checking out the Web Design Museum ( for some aesthetic inspiration! I also recommend maybe making some random little pages in different styles (doesn't necessarily have to be something you upload) to get

rabbitnet 4 months ago

- A feel for different site aesthetics and play around without any stress of it looking good. I use my Shrine pages for this lmao.

rabbitnet 4 months ago

Also I use Visual Studio Code rather than NeoCities editor. There's a plugin called Live Server that lets you open a local version of your site in a browser so you can see updates in realtime as you edit. As for JavaScript, I basically just copy and paste all my JavaScript stuff from elsewhere :ox. I find it so confusing lmao. Sorry for the yapping!!

themausoleum 4 months ago

No need to appologize! That's really helpful, honestly.

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ahmwwmaaa 4 months ago

I'm using phantomake because I'm still handcoding but at least now I don't have to manually update every page for small changes. Layouts and contents are seperate until the program sticks them together so I can edit the layout template in one file and the program will update every page that uses it. And I don't need to copy-paste layout stuff into a new page, I can just write the contents. Seems good, so far.


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