I believe in you! 🌈

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Hello, it's Arty! Just wanted to do a log to self as I'm starting up this little website! I spent most of the day making a banner via touchpad and canvas, and I'm so stinking proud of it! My kid self is over the moon at the fact that I went with bright colors ;; (trying to make this more accessible, and cute! good job me!) It hit me while half awake to revamp my little self-sona (?) and I love them okay
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starcasita 2 years ago

Very glad I simplified my style to doodle something fun! I was inspired by Stitches from ac and the lovely art by hellomynameiswednesday here's to hoping I did them justice!

wasongo 2 years ago

oh super cute banner!! can't wait to see how the rest of the site is gonna shape up!

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedOct 25, 2022
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art writing rainbow yumekawaii kidcore