17 trillion wasps

2,844 updates
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i need to update my art page to replace the missing images since i was lazy and most of them were jsut through my twt and i deleted most of my stuff...also im gna work on the pokemas guide bc THE NEW GALAR TRIO ALTS R SO CUTE!! im super pumped like just these alts alone are inspiring me to work on the site for some reason
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2nd page of sordsoni shrine is almost done...also is almost 2am. my birthday
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EVERYONE look at my sordsoni shrine im super proud of it. spreading the agenda umm i'll make the bonus page for it at some point
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life update: sordward and shielbert in the tcg manga. they look so silly and cute
Your site has the perfect energy x3 Keep it up!
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i promise i will work on my site today (possibly lying. but i will try)
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slumberingweald 2 years ago

OK so this was a lie LOL

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedApr 6, 2021
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art personal pokemon