17 trillion wasps

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todays orders of business: add more songs to my music player
writing pages are up! working on my rambling about interpreting shielb as queer for the analysis section, then i'll work on adding...something to the fanfic section, not fully decided yet
the good thing about getting my writing pages up is that while i feel its too cringe for me to drop on twitter i sure as hell can drop my analysis on why i think reading shielbert as queer makes so much sense for the character and just Not care how insane i sound here. this is my domain i get to be cringe
updated writing pages will finally be up soon! i'm aiming for today, and then once those are up i'll work on adding the backlog of fanfic i've written
slumberingweald 1 month ago

a fair amt of my fanfic is adult content so i dunno how i'm going to handle that, currently the plan is for those to be linked off-site with a warning or either just completely excluded, i don't think there's rly any other way i can handle it

on the note of writings i never did when i had a writings page up but i've been into writing fanfic a lot over the past year so maybe i'll specifically share a lot of those
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happy 2025 everyone! im going to work on revamping my sonia shrine since most of the images are missing and just generally work on the site,, i wanna get a space for my writings up again
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looking at pages i never deleted from here and im going to have to revamp a lot of them due to the discord imgs thing -_- but i was kinda surprised to look at my writings and find that one piece i wrote about how vaguely upset i was that i felt the pokemon fandom was drifting away from the iconic __shipping name format bc it was...oddly well written for me? usually i struggle a bit to word things;;

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CreatedApr 6, 2021
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