usually i would list alt names for ships thatve gone through name changes but this feels like a bit of an exception >__>
also, here's a link to the tumblr post!
much to think abt for the hisui page like??? would highlandsshipping (webmasters personal fav pla ship btw) count as a hisui ship or as a cross region ship since ingo originated from the unova games?? i'll probably just count it as a hisui one
isnt tealmaskshipping more widely used?? i can still add candyapple as an alternative name for them since those do exist for some ships but i do just wanna double check bc ive seen tealmask used more;
@luvdisc TealMaskShipping is being used for them, but it's also being used for Juliana and Kieran, and Juliana x Kieran x Florian.... CandyAppleShipping was the "original" ship name proposed for them, plus doesn't have that confusion.