349 updates
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Explodeing spamton just dropped. on my index
skidzone 1 year ago

hover over him

melps 1 year ago

i haven't come such a long way just for him to explode 0_0

skidzone 1 year ago

Dont worry he loves to explode its good for his health. and enrichment ^_^

1 like
troy-sucks 1 year ago

wait wait cause i find that so cool and stuff. could u tell me how u did that and if its possible to do that with other gifs????!?!

skidzone 1 year ago

Oh you have no idea how many layers ob bulshit this was to figure out. So basically theres 2 parts to this, the hover image change and the sound. The image underneath should be the background img of a div sized w the same dimesnions, and then you add the overlay img in css with :hover. and the audio part is failry straightforward I think. Its all botched together in css though because im scared of javacritpt

skidzone 1 year ago

Heres my own code with most of the irrelevant stuff removed:

skidzone 1 year ago

Oh they really dont want me to post code in here apparently. Hold on while i find a way to show u

skidzone 1 year ago Have fun go nuts!!! Explode shit electronically!!!!

SKIDZONE was updated.
1 year ago
Soso awesome vibes love what u got going on. Shot u an email too :]
When i figur eout how to make the sidebars sticky but still scroll with the page... its over for u all
SKIDZONE was updated.
1 year ago
1 like
SKIDZONE was updated.
2 years ago
Happy 413 to anny practicing homestucks and those observing.
skidzone 2 years ago

Im secular personally. but yall have fun

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1 like
SKIDZONE was updated.
2 years ago
My button in the 'sites u love zone'.... im so flattered nfvjnfl;k .,.
1 like
skidzone 2 years ago

ALSo u seem so cool but ur quiz results are the reddest flags ive ever seen. Sorry. but im also saying this as if my own classpect n shit doenst leave me wide open to attck too sigh

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kielljoy 2 years ago

(imagine im replying to the other comment neocities wont let me) ill give u some more red flags my favorite movie is pulp fiction and i had an anarchocapitalist phase

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kielljoy 2 years ago

OH NEVERMIND IT LET ME REPLY TO IT welp anyways i think ur super cool i showed ur site to my buddies and they agree that ur rad

1 like
skidzone 2 years ago

Lol I can forgive pulp fiction but ancapism? unironically??? jeeeeze lmafo hope ur better now lolol (also wghgh ty Is this microcelebrityhood? im being talk d about.. crayzy shit man.. tell ur friends there rad too)

1 like
kielljoy 2 years ago

i momentarily (for 2 years) forgot that corporations were a thing and i was imagining a sea of one man unregulated businesses. when what i truly wanted was a commune with a rich trading scene

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skidzone 2 years ago

Ok i'm dumb ad rocks and can barely parse the meaning of this atm but whatever ur describing here sounds like how they get pppl into the stock market. tbh

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kielljoy 2 years ago

aw geez i think u have a point oh no..... i definitely DONT have a stock market portfolio nahh nope doesnt exist no sirreee

1 like
REALLY enjoy your site youre really funny. I also love how it looks and I appreciate the dirk striders. Im very excited to see what else you do with it
skidzone 2 years ago

High compliment omg thank youu Im looking forward to ur site stuff too!

1 like

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Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedJan 10, 2021
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