changelog part 1: new blog post was added, but it's another vent post. i'd recommend skipping this one tbh.
CHANGELOG (Part 1): Added a new button to the neighbors section of the homepage!
CHANGELOG (Part 1): Added a new blog post, and added a new button to the neighbors section of the homepage!
Part 2: Removed the extra Ko-Fi links from each video's description! (there's already a link to it on the sidebar, so having another link to it is not only redundant, but also a bit... sellout-ish to me.)
CHANGELOG (Part 1): Added a couple more buttons to the neighbors section on the homepage, and added a new blog post!
CHANGELOG (Part 1): Added a Pokémon-style remix of Fisticuffs to my original music page!
Part 2: Updated Splash.EXE's description to (hopefully) sound a bit better!
Part 3: Added a new button to the neighbors section of the homepage!
"Fisticuffs" has a really unique chord progression, I never considered mashing up 1-3-7-4 and 1-7-6-5 before! Very Masuda or Shimomura-esque!
CHANGELOG (Part 1): Updated Splash.EXE's artwork so that she fits in with the rest of the Battle Network characters a bit better!
CHANGELOG (Part 2): I made individual pages for each piece of artwork in my gallery, similarly to what I did with the video page!
CHANGELOG (Part 3): Added a new button to the neighbors section of the homepage!
CHANGELOG (Part 2): Added a "Previous video/Next video" section at the bottom of each individual video page, and added a new blog post!
CHANGELOG (Part 3): Added a new button to the neighbors section of the homepage!
CHANGELOG (Part 1): New blog post!
I want to switch to linux full time but my vsti plugins arent going to permit it :( I guess i could use Win7 for composing and Mint for everything else