PNN America

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How viable of a YouTube competitor is Rumble in your opinion? Just curious as we are trying to locate new hosting sites for our videos
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pnnamerica 2 years ago

I use it, it is probably the closest to youtube, but sometimes it takes a lonnnnnnnng time for them to "check" the video for monetization (which needs to be done before it pushes a video out in the algorithm), some videos get views, others get zero, it's weird

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a90swebsite 2 years ago

You could host the mp4 on github pages idk

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Thanks for the follow!
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PNN America was updated.
2 years ago
PNN America was updated.
2 years ago
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PNN America was updated.
2 years ago
PNN America was updated.
2 years ago
PNN America was updated.
2 years ago
PNN America was updated.
2 years ago
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PNN America was updated.
3 years ago
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PNN America was updated.
3 years ago
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Last updated 15 hours ago
CreatedJul 19, 2021
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