
4,079 updates
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thx for the epic follow
i'm entering the stage of tiredness at which point i ramble on like an illiterate sod, so i'm going to sleep now. gn everyone
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bruhh when will neocities enable private messaging i need to slip into the html-based dms smh
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ophiuchus 5 years ago

finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finnegan finneg

i love net art so much. the tokyo telecom project is nowhere near completion, but i already have ideas for other net art projects. i'll only start working on the once i'm done with the tokyo telecom saga, because there's a story that i need to tell. once i'm done with this one, i'll tell my other stories. thanks to everyone who has followed me thus far
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it's probably not very wise to have the first thing a new visitor sees be a wall of text
encounters-ltd 5 years ago

Maybe make it more eye-catching? Like, in design

ophiuchus 5 years ago

that's what i'm doing rn

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you can access past indices of my site by going to /index/indexA.html, A being whatever version you're looking for.
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cubertown 5 years ago

this is really cool and a good idea

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devils, you're so good at web design, and as cool as you might think my site is (you commented that on my page once, i think i accidentally deleted it), i'm like, pretty bad at web design, coding, etc. where'd you even learn all this stuff, i m u s t k n o w . Also any tips on learning Javascript? Because JESUS FUCKING CHRIST IT'S HARD TO LEARN
devils 5 years ago

you are too sweet <3 im completely self taught! ive never taken any classes on coding or anything like that, just played around for years. my site is actually mostly html/css, im with you on javascript being hard. my main tip is to be super patient, lol. thank you again and love your site!!

ophiuchus 5 years ago

HOLY SHIT, that clears up a lot actually. thank you so much! you wouldn't mind if i look at your site's source code, too right? not copy and paste it: that's immoral. just look and learn. sorry if it's a weird question lol

devils 5 years ago

feel 100% free! <3 a lot of my code is hanging on by a string though, definitely take everything ive coded with a grain of salt lmao

ophiuchus 5 years ago

thank you so much :3

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Last updated 5 years ago
CreatedJun 1, 2019
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telecommunication telecommunications music cyberspace website