Metonym's Meandering

1,155 updates
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found u :333
unicodesnowman 1 year ago

found YOU :000

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what game(s) do you plan to do next? Drill Dozer and the bitGenerations series are pretty interesting, i reccomend that you go check 'em out (unless you're planning on buying it on cart, they a bit pricey)
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thegameboyabyss 1 year ago

I haven't quite planned out too many games - I want to do more notable games for x5 games (35, 45, etc.) whilst x0 (30,40) will be games that are a little more significant to me or a current event. 35 will be Mega Man Zero because that game looks rad, whilst 40 will probably be Zelda: Minish Cap to conincide with Tears of the Kingdoms release. Other then that though, besides next weeks game... I dunno!

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there really should be feed settings so i can turn off when anyone follows someone i follow
metonym 1 year ago

like half of my feed is just people following sadgrl

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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedMay 11, 2022
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