Canvas Kingdom

1,116 updates
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Converting posts to use the homepage layout, stuff might look wonky for a while. Mainly because the site suddenly decided it doesn't like having three different js scripts at once very much.
Neocities won't show it for some reason, but I made a new blog post! Talking about the farming game genre and how your crops aren't really treated as crops.
meicheesecake 2 years ago

Linked my Backloggd profile on my footer! Starting to wonder if I should make a links page and put something else on the footer, but I don't know what would go in there instead.

No new posts but I just found out my footer and main body were misaligned this whole time. Fixed now after much pain.
jwhighwind 2 years ago

it was misaligned???

1 like
omg pastellll πŸ₯Ί no one ever remembers graffiti kingdom!! your whole site made me so nostalgic i love it sm!
1 like
meicheesecake 2 years ago

Tysm, glad you like it!

meicheesecake 2 years ago

At last, the post about my NanoRenO 2022 and Yesterweb Zine entries are here! Ignore the double hyphen on the url, I was trying to see if doubling it would cause it to show up in the blog title but it didn't and I don't wanna change it.

taptroupe 2 years ago


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meicheesecake 2 years ago

I have at least 3 things to make a post about, but instead, I get mad at Rune Factory 5. Unscripted, unedited, unprompted and probably most incomprehensible.

meicheesecake 2 years ago

Just finished the game Sephonie, by the creators of Anodyne 2! Here's my spoiler free review!

meicheesecake 2 years ago

Forgot to include it in the article up until now: this game was made by the same developers as Anodyne 2, a game I've made a post about in the past!

Just released a new game! This one for the NaNoRenO 2022 game jam, about the closing of a niche VR MMO and the fallout it causes. You can find it here:
meicheesecake 3 years ago

Proper post about it and its development coming sometime soon!

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meicheesecake 3 years ago

I joined the Yesterweb webring!

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meicheesecake 3 years ago

Also increased sidebar size.

Website Stats

Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedAug 25, 2021
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