JaidenLE's weird web thing

595 updates
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AAAAAAAAAAA THANK YOU ALL FOR 10K VIEWS :DDDD (ik its inaccurate BUT STILL) ill def be working on the website today :3 OH! and the Wii will be arriving today, so expect a blog post about it when i get it!
So small update on the Wii, it might be coming way earlier than I expected, like, tommorow 0-0 so exciting! (Also apologies for no updates today or tommorow…)
new blog post out!!!! its a bit of an exciting one to me!!!!! :DDDDD
badgraph1csghost 2 days ago

my wii is sick... fortunately, i managed to mod her before she stopped displaying signs of consciousness (i figure it's just one of the wireless cables came unclipped)

jaidenle 2 days ago

@badgraph1csghost Oh… the poor baby Wii…. (It could be, but at least you got to mod it before she went out!)

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underkat 2 days ago

woah!!! ive always been more of a n64/gamecube person but i do love the wii

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jaidenle 3 days ago

Decided to get rid of my old "updates" page, since I never really update it, and because I now just have a little section on my main page that shows what I added :3

jaidenle 3 days ago

(also side note, I love how my little bouncing OC always appears in different places on the thumbnail when I update LMAO)

finally put up a favicon... TOOK ME LONG ENOUGH LMAO ;-; i hope you all like the pixel robo girl :3
jaidenle 4 days ago

adding more site buttons and making a new icon for my paint stuffs! (also go check out dolphin riivolution, best Wii themed site I've seen!!!!!!!)

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dolphinriivolution 3 days ago

YOOOOOOO You actually added my button?!! Thanks!! ٩(°ᗜ ° )و

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jaidenle 3 days ago

@dolphinriivolution DAMN RIGHT I DID!!!! pretty button btw!!!!

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Updated the blog check it out NOW. ヽ( `д´*)ノ
finally getting stuffs done!!!!, just gotta work on the main page for a sec, and then try to finish off log 2 of my oc lore :3
jaidenle 5 days ago

finally sort of finished the ms paint page, apologies if it looks a bit rougher than the other pages, this is mostly just a dump of what i make on paint LMAO (ill add a button on the main page soon)

underkat 2 days ago

i havent played my tomodachi life save in a while!!! i have like a 2 week phase for it atleast once a year

alrighty, time to get webmastering BAY BEE

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CreatedAug 17, 2024
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