hi maybe - Jacoder23

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jacoder23 7 years ago

And I'm finally done... I had to cut out some features that I wanted but couldn't add because of time constraints, but it seems that I am done!

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joppiesaus 7 years ago

so far I've only played the demo. For a first game, it's a really nice game! But when I gathered all the keys - out of time - nothing happened. It would have been nice if there was some sort of "congratulations!" or something. Nice music. Sounds might be a nice idea, but it's not an requirement. Good game! ☻♥

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jacoder23 7 years ago

Sorry Joppie! The demo was unfinished... But the full game does have a really quick sarcastic "Congratulations! you beat some evil emperor or something" screen as well, the game isn't exactly an epic journey :P


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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedNov 19, 2015
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