hi maybe - Jacoder23

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Okay NOW you can download the build. It took way too long but the demo is finally finished. Also, don't take the word DEMO the wrong way, the finished game isn't going to be much longer than the current one and will obviously also be free.
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jacoder23 7 years ago

Nevermind, uploaded the wrong build I'm an idiot

jacoder23 7 years ago

Okay it should be the right build now.

jacoder23 7 years ago

in about 2 minutes once it's done uploading

jacoder23 7 years ago

oh no, oh well I guess there's going to be one very slight issue in the demo that I'll probably never fix, and will probably never be noticed :(

jacoder23 7 years ago

Well at least you can play it now! The first two levels that is...

joppiesaus 7 years ago

awesome work, making games is hard! haven't played it yet but will play it and i'll give you some feedback!

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joppiesaus 7 years ago

Also, what's up with the transparent image that overlays text? this way you can't click links!

jacoder23 7 years ago

Sorry about that, the links have been moved below so you can use them now!

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CreatedNov 19, 2015
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