AppSir Games

2,288 updates
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AppSir Games was updated.
4 months ago
AppSir Games was updated.
4 months ago
I love the update to the site to show there's a bunch of new cats in your home! what a lovely family!
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kuting 4 months ago

Thank you! We have 6 cats already! and they're lovelyy and sweet! <3

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AppSir Games was updated.
4 months ago
Hello ghostring! I'm truly sorry I forgot to add the webring links in time. I already included it in my homepage at the side bar here: . Is there any way AppSir Games could get added again? The details were this: Full title: AppSir Games, Slug: AppSir, Description: A website for retro horror games with intertwined stories., Contact: twitter @appsirgames Thank you so much!
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appsirgames 4 months ago

I'm really sorry again for not being responsive the past three weeks. I had been busy with work and some personal matters and I hope my non responsiveness didn't sour things too much. It would be awesome to get added again. Sorry and thanks again ghostring!

1 like
ghostring 4 months ago

Hey no worries! I finally updated the site! You're back on now! Thanks!!!!

AppSir Games was updated.
4 months ago
1 like
Awesome! I'd love to join the ghostring! Full title: AppSir Games, Slug: AppSir, Description: A website for retro horror games with intertwined stories., Contact: twitter @appsirgames, I'd love to hear from you soon!
ghostring 5 months ago

Added you!!!

ghostring 5 months ago

Hey, will you be adding the webring links? I can't seem to find them

I love your site too! Very nostalgic and I love the windows aesthetic. Retro Rat is so cute
1 like
This site is so cool!
1 like
AppSir Games was updated.
6 months ago

Website Stats

Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedMar 29, 2018
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horror videogames games anime gaming