AI Petition

70 updates
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A petition on Google Forms? How would this even work? AI isn't even implemented officially in Neocities, and there's no evidence it will ever be.
meowco 15 hours ago

As if the creator of this host site would be interested in using AI for something as intricate as web design and HTML/CSS coding.

chipsfunfun 14 hours ago

...yeah... I kinda agree with this I'm sorry y'all, if AI gets implemented and scrapes stuff I'll leave but it doesn't seem to be happening now or planned. hope not at least

ai-petition 13 hours ago

If you read what is stated on the home page, you'll find the reasons why this petition started and why there are people signing it. Just stating that something isn't the case and will never be seems to be glossing over if not outright ignoring that.

ai-petition 13 hours ago

which is funny because there has already been AI on the site in the past and the idea is only "on hold" as of 3 months ago.

ai-petition 13 hours ago

@meowco they already have implimented it in the past

ai-petition 13 hours ago

As for how the petition works: signatures end January 18th 2025, signatures get sent to Kyle Drake on January 19th or 20th.

foureleven 9 hours ago

... So at the end of the day, it's still up to Kyle to manage his webhost how he wants. Got ittttttt

foureleven 9 hours ago

Like I'm not meaning to sound mean here, but this literally makes no difference, Kyle Drake already knows most people don't want AI on Neocities.

ai-petition 9 hours ago

If the petition does well and Kyle decides to ignore it and add AI back anyways, there will likely be even more of a migration from this site to alternatives and self hosted webservers. You are correct that Kyle gets that final say on the matter however it's not really a wise idea to ignore something like this if you don't want to upset your community.

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CreatedOct 22, 2024
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