2000s Dream Vault 2.0

962 updates
0 tips
Hey thanks for the follow :) Your site looks so cool, are you still adding more updates to it?
infi-power 1 month ago

yup, i mainly make changes in my computer and use the neocities CLI to publish changes.

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Hey I just found your site, I love it! The aesthetic is *chefs kiss*
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frutigeraeroarchive 1 month ago

Thanks! Yours is pretty cool too

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2000sdreamvault 1 month ago

Thank you! :) I'm fairly new to coding, only started learning to create this site. But I've come a long way from nothing!

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Hello to all my new followers :) Thanks for the follow! I'm updating my website more regularly now that I have my design and code all working as I want it. I can't believe how far it has come. I went from not knowing anything about HTML or CSS, to designing this entire website from scratch with no templates! I've learned so much. Now onto more advanced stuff I think!
2000sdreamvault 1 month ago

Also, I've finally started adding content to my site. Most of the writing has gone into the Music and Games pages so far. The Home and About pages were more or less already written. I want to focus a little on Home Video next I think. My PS2 project is what I've been mostly focused on in recent weeks.

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I'm soooo happy my new design is finally up! I'm still tweaking things a bit but now I'm happy with an initial design, I can finally focus more on the content for the site :)

Website Stats

Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedSep 20, 2024
Site Traffic Stats


music nostalgia physicalmedia ps2 windowsxp