1034co Website

7,719 updates
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Hi there, do you want to advertise your website on my website and in return, you need to advertise my website to your website? It would be wonderful for both us...
1034co 8 years ago

I do that to all my followers, and I will do it now.

1 like
1 like
1034co 8 years ago

Come check out the epic battle between Caillou and Ness!

1 like
2bit 8 years ago

I scored 275 on that game

1 like
Haha Redrum changed his name once again so the link in your followers broke.
redrum 8 years ago

Sorry 1034co I will cred you for Inspriration. :^)

What is with these people constantly changing their name? Is that some new Neocities meme?
1 like
redrum 8 years ago

Just bored

1034co 8 years ago

It's not what it looks like.

Website Stats

Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedFeb 7, 2015
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