
1,930 updates
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theMothership was updated.
2 years ago
houg 2 years ago

SO true bestie i think abt time all the time (hehe) and its really Something because nothing is really lost on the internet, like yeah a website could be shut down but it could also have gotten archived or downloaded, and so on and so forth....... its new and exciting but also pretty cray!!!! I love it either way tbh :)

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hey Nomad :) nice page! I found it through a message on my guest list--not sure if you're the same person who posted, but I like your stuff so I'll follow ya anyway, haha! Live long and prosper~
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hello earthlings! I've made some super cool updates to the site, so be sure to check it out when you can :D I made an entry page, a super awesome main menu, and I've even updated some of the story section. Unfortunately, the stories still aren't up yet, but we're getting super close to that point! Kudos to Cadnomori's site for being the inspiration for my main menu, you're an epic webmaster!

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedMar 30, 2021
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