
1,930 updates
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added a new iframe to the home page!! as usual, the feelings bar will take a bit longer to load to the new message haha there's also more to see in the updates tab! happy surfing, earthlings~
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arandomsite 2 years ago

who says i'm an earthling?

1 like
yo! thanks for following my site :D i'm a little late to do this--sorry about that!--but do you have a site button so i can add you to my homepage?
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naomis-world 2 years ago

Thanks I’ll add you as soon as I come home

hello earthlings! i know it's been a while, but i'm ecstatic to report that i've been writing everyday for the past 138 days! i'm hoping to have stuff ready to start posting over the summer :D i'll let you all know my actual plans soon too so you'll know why i'm taking my sweet time lmao
just found out about a program called Arachnophilia! dude if you're having trouble remembering html tags and such, you should check it out--plus it's got this old school web feel that i love haha! here's the download page:
hello earthlings! it's been a few months, sorry for the silence :/ i've been working hard on my stories while i've been inactive on here, but i'm hoping to have something up soon :D i finally have a solid idea for how i want to tell one of the stories, so i should be able to start working on that soon! anywho, thank you to everyone who's followed the site in the past few months, your buttons are on the marquee now :)

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedMar 30, 2021
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oldweb story aliens fiction oddcore