A Coyote's Conundrum

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Hello! I'm working on a project (new hyperfixation) for a Christian web-ring! :)) I thought it'd be a cool thing to have, amongst the many other webrings out there. I'm going around to see if there's any interest in the neocities community. I'm currently looking into various resources to make it. :))
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someotherstranger 1 year ago

Hey! What a coincidence, I was just thinking about the idea of a Christian web-ring not too long ago! You can count me as interested.

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flying-with-quills 1 year ago

Alrighty! :D I'll let you know when I've scrounged something together.

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someotherstranger 1 year ago

Hola, I should've mentioned this earlier (I had an inkling but I ignored it), but lemme know if you ever want a helping hand in this project! (Also please don't feel pressured. I'd rather you work on things at your own discretion, but if and whenever that may be, I am more than willing to help out).

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedOct 25, 2022
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art writing christian animation anthro