It's Scoot!

435 updates
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scootarooni 10 months ago

new journal entry! I also edited the link to my journal so it goes directly to my entries rather than my blog profile

scootarooni 10 months ago

finally added an OC page! I do have one more character to add but I'm still working on her updated art...instead of waiting until thats done I decided to put up what I have :3 because why not!

scootarooni 10 months ago

added a site button! also cooking up a new page or two! probably wont have those done until the weekend!

almost done w/ my oc page!!! just gotta get all the art on the page :3 (but first i sleep becos its almost 1:30am lmao)
new blog/journal entry! it's a bit of a long one (-w- |||) because I talk about vocaloid!!
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scootarooni 11 months ago

Updated my shrine page! Let me know if it isn't loading properly/looks weird!!! I'll fix it later (on a bit of a time crunch but I really really wanted to work on *something* for my website)

scootarooni 11 months ago

I'll for sure make the images bigger when I go back and edit this a bit more :-)

new blog post on my journal! also sorry for not working on my site lately -w- i have been playing bomb rush cyberfunk and im obsessed w/ these funky little guys!!!!
new (and first!) blog post!

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedJun 11, 2023
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vocaloid art