Snooper | Welcome

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s 12 months ago

This gets me wondering, are there any other active single character username Neocities users kicking around? I don't recall ever seeing another one :(

1 like
s 1 year ago

For anyone on, you can now add me @ snoop|at| if you want!

1 like
s 1 year ago

Hey, this blogpost is quite an important one to me and it relates to Peelopaalu. Would VERY much appreciate for anyone who's interested in my stuff to check it out :-) Sorry that it's a bit TL'DR but I wanted to make sure I didn't miss any details out!

saint-images 1 year ago

I understand that pruning dead links from an existing list would be exhausting; if you decide to start from scratch though, however, I urge you to keep an archive of the old Peelopaalu so that folks could still explore the old links, including the dead ones through web archive. Cheers!

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1 like
s 2 years ago

Thinking of completely redesigning my site but I'm not sure what I want to do with it yet. I have one idea, but the amount of work to get it done would be astronomical.

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedJun 21, 2013
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