aw thank you so much!! i was planning to update it but decided not to in the end bc i like it too :)
Check out the new fancy-schmancy update box on the Home page to view everything I've changed in this update! :D
Aw thank you so much!! :D I really appreciate it! And thank you for following back too, your site is really cool!!
aaaa ;V; thank you so so much!!! <3 That means a lot to me, I'm really happy you think so!! And yeah Moshi Monsters is one of my favorite games!! I played it a lot as a kid :D It's cool you know of it too!! Thank you for visiting my site!! ^v^ I love your website too, I like the graphics you used for it!! I also like your crochet fella Jude, he's so cute >v< I'm excited to see how your site grows!! <3
@psychout10 ahh thank you :0!! jude is the first thing? guy? I made after years, so he's a bit wonky but I love him all the more for it :)) which moshi monster did you choose btw (as a kid, I mean), I was an *unshakeable* katsuma main unless I wanted to switch it up by choosing diavlo (TwT;)
also omg do you remember the old moshi monster parody songs? like the justin bieber one -- moptop tweeny bop (?) and lady googoo + apparently there's two moshi monster (fan)games now; moshi online, and moshi monsters rewritten, which is pretty interesting!
Np!! ^^ And ayyy I was a katsuma main too!! B) Little me kinda missed out on most of the songs; I never got membership so I couldn't play the Underground Disco, and I only vaguely remember watching some of the music videos they have on YouTube. They're all such bangers tho, Moptop Tweenybop and Lady GooGoo are definitely a couple of my faves, along with Rock Like A Zommer and Dr. Strangeglove!! :D
Also I actually currently play Moshi Online >:D It's a really good recreation and is still being updated! Although it doesn't have the Party Palace due to missing files, which is a lil sad :(
If you wanna play one of them, I'd definitely recommend Online over Rewritten, as Rewritten has ads (<- which idk how they got away with doing lol) and isn't being updated from what I've heard, while Online has a more active community plus has no ads! If you ever play Online, my username is 92danceydoggy if you wanna add me :D
I never got the membership either (u_u;)
Love how neocities removed more than half of my comment rip;; so I made accounts on both online and rewritten but the govt's been screwing with our national firewall (??? idek) so website access has been v limited ;_;, as soon as I get to log into moshi online, I'll add you!!
I didn't know that rewritten had ads! wow. granted, that's because I actually am unable to log into rewritten lol, made an account, but never got a confirmation email, nor does it let me log in
Oh no D: I'm sorry to hear about the limited site access, that really stinks :( For Online I know that they don't send you an email, and you can login after the verify email screen, but it might be different for Rewritten so I'm not super sure ;o; But I'm sorry that you're having trouble!! :c